Vega Taxi E

Suggested net price

PLN 1,450.00


Vega Taxi E

PLN 1,450.00

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A specialised TAXI cash register with an electronic copy, designed to work with a taximeter. The product has been designed from scratch, taking into account the specificity of the work of taxi drivers, in accordance with their suggestions and using the latest technology. It is the smallest cash register on the market. The dimensions of the device may suggest that it is more of a calculator, when in fact it is a modern and fully functional fiscal device.

The Vega Taxi E cash register can be easily installed anywhere in the vehicle, using a special holder, so that its operation is convenient and does not adversely affect the safety of driving. The Vega Taxi E cash register is not permanently integrated with the taximeter. You can easily disconnect it from the taximeter at any time (removing the cable, no seal), take it home, for example, to prepare reports and analyses, thus protecting the fiscal device against theft (according to the regulations, theft of a fiscal device requires the amount of the write-off to be returned and there is no deduction for the purchase of another device).

Vega Taxi E is equipped with a clear, liquid crystal, backlit and monochrome operator display, which also serves as a display for the customer. Thecash register keyboard is very simple, intuitive. Its keys are arranged in a way ensuring quick and comfortable operation.
The Vega Taxi E cash register allows you to print many reports: e.g. daily (fiscal) reports, periodic full and short reports, monthly full or short, thecash register status, cashier's report, a billing report and a taximeter settings report, which greatly facilitates the preparation of any statements and settlements.

Vega Taxi E is a professional cash register with an electronic copy intended for use in taxis. It features the ability to make a sale outside the course from Vega Taxi E or TXe interfaces. The cash register is designed to work with the following taximeters: Novitus TXe, Novitus TX06, CBE Cezar, CBE Cezar 2. More about VEGA TAXI E at

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