Until when will devices with paper or electronic copy be used?

  • 20 August 2020, 01:15 AM
Until when will devices with paper or electronic copy be used?

Other companies are not yet obligated to replace the device with a paper or electronic copy of the data with an online device.

They will be able to work using the current device until its technical death or, in the case of cash registers with a paper copy, until the fiscal memory is full. In the cash registers with paper copies it is no longer allowed to exchange fiscal memories. Approvals for cash registers with paper copies were valid only until 31 August 2019, and for cash registers with electronic copies, they will be valid until the end of 2022. After these periods, the purchase of such devices will not be possible, but those already used by taxpayers will still be able to be used. From 1 January 2023, only online devices will be available for sale.

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