Is a constant connection of the cash register with CRK (Central Repository of Cash Registers) required?

  • 24 August 2020, 11:26 AM
Is a constant connection of the cash register with CRK (Central Repository of Cash Registers) required?

Pursuant to the regulation, the taxpayer is to ensure the connection of the cash register with CRK, which enables data to be sent according to the schedule (currently every 2 hours).

This means that if the cash register registers the sale of goods or services, then the cash register (stationary) must be connected to the Internet and systematically send data. If the cash register is not in use: it is turned off for the night, during the weekend, during holidays or it is used ""occasionally"" (e.g. in the construction industry), then it can be turned off for this time (there is no data to be sent in its memory). If data are present (registration takes place), the data must be sent - the cash register must be connected to the Internet.

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