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What does the registration and settlement of advance payments look like in online cash registers?

Online devices record the receipt of an advance payment for a specific product on a fiscal receipt. To register the receipt of an advance payment, select the "Advance payment" option, then select the goods for which the advance payment is made from the goods database. Then enter the value of the accepted advance payment. This advance payment can be settled later by selling the correct goods on the receipt, at its selling price, then select the "advance settlement" function on the same receipt, select the goods for which the advance payment was accepted from the list of goods on the receipt and enter the value of the received advance payment. If the value of the advance payment was equal to the selling price of the goods, the receipt will be closed with the value of PLN 0.00.

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PLN 2,790.00

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PLN 1,990.00

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PLN 2,390.00

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PLN 2,190.00

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